Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve...Already?......

Does this year seem to have flown by for anyone else?? 
This little chalkware Santa showed up in a "box lot" bought at a sale, he is so cute.  The book Velvet Eyes is a 3-D Christmas book that is mine....yup, it's lasted all these years and is still a favorite.

 No Santa here, but that little tree is one of those things I just couldn't leave behind at The Back Porch Mercantile in Knoxville, TN when we visited earlier this month....it reminded me of the bottle brush trees of my childhood of which I only have one vintage one.
 Does anyone remember these candy containers....he really needs to have Santa's bag replenished....
I need to do something with the finish of the mantle and these bookshelves surrounding it....a paint job maybe???  Anyway I couldn't resist making this pic look even more vintage.
Wishing you a fabulous Christmas and prosperous New Year! 

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