Tuesday, June 26, 2018

16 Days in Columus, Ohio; Part 3......

One of the other fun aspects of QSDS (Quilt Surface Design Symposium) is the "Friday Evening Event", everyone gathers to raise funds for the scholarship fund.  Appetizers are offered, a bit of wine, the mapping out of strategies.  The reason to have a strategy are the wonderful donations of door prizes and the "artist auction" offerings.  Most attendees purchase several door prize tickets, hoping for the chance to win one of the items that have caught their eye.  BUT.....the artist auction offerings are the real focus.....competition is fierce, but with laughter and comradery.

The first Friday, we were fortunate to acquire "The Murmur of Conversation" by Seth Apter which has been proudly added to our art collection.  The colors and texture of this piece are stunning.

The second Friday, we got lucky again...this time adding "Inner Landscapes: Pink and Grey" by Heide Stoll-Weber.  This piece looks fabulous at home on the newly painted pale gray walls...that daughter dear assisted in painting this year.
Each year several scholarships are awarded to people with need of assistance.  For this reason the fun is also extremely important, making it possible for anyone with an interest in "fiber" to add a technique to their "toolbox".   We are very happy to lend a hand each year to that endeavor.

Check out the 2019 teachers and classes they will be teaching.  www.qsds.com

Thanks for stopping by. 

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