Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Holiday Gifts Progress and Visitor

Hello all,

The holidays are definitely upon us or just finishing up!! We have been madly stitching away in store trying to finish up those gifts. Mom is working on a quilt that she promised her grandson...mmmmm....let's see about 3 years ago. Looks like he just might be getting it!!!

I've been knitting and sewing away. I've been pushing my limits trying things I've never made before and have been having fun. Not going to give away too much info as I know some of those people will read the blog!! One of the projects though is a sewing one that is way bigger than anything I've ever done. I'm still hoping I can finish it by Christmas but we'll see. It might be given as an unfinished piece that I need back to finish! I'll try not to take the 3 years that mom did if that's the case!!!

Well the other day as we were sewing all of a sudden mom looked up and saw a visitor outside. I ran for the camera in order to catch a picture of it.

He caused quite a stir as it was around closing time so he was catching the eye of the rush hour travelers. They just stopped and stared. Let's just say we were very glad to be inside and not anywhere near his beak or talons as they looked sharp as all get out.

Happy stitching of any kind to all!

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