Thursday, February 8, 2018

Making Up For Lost Time......

You would not believe how much dyeing we have been doing, somewhere along the line we decided that we would try to get enough dyed to last 4 months or so....if I didn't have a sick puppy in my lap I would be laughing at my naivete.  Over the last couple of weeks we have dyed about 40 yards of burlap,   250 yards of osnaburg, I don't have an accurate count on thread.  Must confess I was probably told, just went in one ear and out the other as I was busy "creatively thinking".  That's my excuse and I am sticking to it.
I tried to photograph the clothesline, but the room was glowing red from all the sunshine coming in and that sunshine has been scarce so I found myself just standing there amidst all the color.  Sometimes it's the little things that make you smile.

Mostly over the first week I was sitting cuddling this little guy, he got sick after cuddling me for the 2 weeks I was down with the flu, so now it's my turn.  He has been with us for 13 years and will turn 14 this year, at least that's what we believe as he was a stray who followed us home from a walk in 2005.  Strong little man who was living with the Canada Geese and was an emaciated 6 pounds. 
He is finally feeling more like himself, still napping....but...seeking out more than just our laps, today his bed was moved from place to place as the sun moved about the house.  He is bouncing with excitement for food and drink.  For over a week we were feeding him rice and steamed chicken, and then using that chicken broth to lace his water, fooling him into drinking, now he is back to his regular diet with a little tweak...wet food.  Hey he is old...I know how he feels...we all need a bit of help now and then.

I have actually done a bit of hand stitching over the last few days, hopefully I will post a sneak peek over the next week.

Thanks for stopping by and hopefully posts will get a bit more regular as this year goes on....

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