Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Atlanta 2-Day Walk & Brazenly Radiant Art Fundraiser

I am once again taking the challenge of walking in the Atlanta 2-Day walk for breast cancer. It is a 2-day, 30 mile event that really is life changing. I am so excited to participate again as I was not able to this past year. Here is the info on our fundraising project.

Brazenly Radiant Art(BRA)

You can make a difference!!

Simply make a 5 x 7" piece of art using whatever medium you wish and donate it to Brazenly Radiant Art (BRA) sponsored by Fiber on a Whim for It's the Journey, Inc. ITJ is a non-profit organization located in Atlanta, GA. They support local research, awareness and support of breast cancer. FOAW will start collecting donated artwork immediately. Please make sure it is some of your best. Your donation will be put up for auction March 29-31, 2010. The artwork will be available for a $30 donation to It's the Journey, Inc. Please make sure all donations arrive to us by March 22, 2010 to allow time for photographing and posting. Please mail pieces to our office at FOAW 4317 Sprucebough Dr. Marietta, GA 30062. For more information on It's the Journey please visit

To make a direct donation please visit:

Also feel free to join our Yahoo Group: BrazenlyRadiantArt_BRA